Friday, September 4, 2015

Wine, water, or trees...

Okay, I am going into a three day weekend with quite the dilemma.  When you move to a new area, the impulse to do as much as possible can be a bit over whelming.  Especially here in the northern California region, it is especially suited for variety.

You have the sheer beauty of driving the coastline and gazing upon the beauty of where the land meets the sea.  There are the multitude of state and national parks to see with the beauty of the redwoods.  Heading into "the city" and visiting Golden Gate Park is an option.  Then, of course, this IS northern California which means "wine country".

What to do...

I tried to ask my kids and their immediate response was "Disneyland!"  This is an extremely exciting response, but to be honest, they aren't here and after a five hour drive it would feel a little empty going by myself.

Asking natives is probably the worst thing to do.  They will give you a laundry list of spots to visit and drives to take and they will go on listing these things for close to 45 minutes... and then keep coming back with more recommendations (God love 'em).  I sincerely appreciate their input but really...

So, while I have a pretty much booked Saturday, I imagine I will just wake up on Sunday (and/or Monday), grab my camera, just get in the car and go where the wind takes me.  So let's see where my mood wakes up on those days - wine, water, or trees.

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