Spent some time in a fun area this past weekend. I got to venture about the Embarcadero area of San Francisco. The Embarcadero is the eastern waterfront and roadway of the Port of San Francisco. It comes complete with an older building that was built in 1915. I know this because the building has that date labeled prominently on the face. It even has the date lit with lights so you can see it in the night.
I guess that the port was very important during it's day because the area is huge. It is also a wonderful place to roam and lose yourself in your thoughts.

Speaking of restaurants, I also stopped at a place that bills itself as the oldest continually run restaurant in San Francisco. Tidich Grill is a great place to land. The layout of the restaurant has a huge bar running down the middle with these wonderful, slightly hidden booths down the wall. The prices are bit high (but then again, EVERYTHING in the city is priced a bit high) but the food was wonderful. I had a shrimp bisque and some lemon asparagus. It was simply great.